Driving America's Art Scene - Hunterdon County, NJ USA

You’re Invited to OUR VERY FIRST T.H.A.T. SALON!

Because, recently I have been setting ablaze numerous pieces of my artwork releasing unexpected swaths of creative energy, I’m certain, really certain, that you might have created SOMETHING in your life (omitting offspring) that is best set on fire – best sacrificed to the universe – given back to the wellspring of creative energy.  This SOMETHING might be too meaningful, too resonant, to simply throw away, or to give away. It might provoke enough resonant discomfort (or overly comfortable-ness) in its existence that it is best recycled back into the basic elements that serves to create matter and art.

So, come join me, and Barry – since he has a lot of firewood to fuel this endeavor – and BURN SOMETHING! He makes really significant bonfires. Sacrifice SOMETHING!  Create NEW energy – allow that stagnant creative object to be re-configured into fresh, new basic elemental possibilities!

You are encourage to eulogize, if you see fit.  You are more than welcome to simply come and observe

All burnings will be documented.

fyi – I would welcome a DOCUMENTARY FILMMAKER to officially film this event – contact me if you’re interested in being that person!  We could use more than one – for sure – different angles, etc.

Click HERE to view an actual sacrifice.

  • HOST: Val Sivilli
  • WHAT:  Burn It : Bring a piece of ART that you created to sacrifice or come and observe the event or help document the event. 
  • WHERE: 100 River Road, Pohatcong, NJ 08865 (Barry & Val’s House) at the intersection of River Road and Pincher’s Point Rd – you should be able to see the fire when you drive up. Park along the road close to the fence – should be fine.
  • FOOD:  Not sure yet – Pizza and Beer?
  • RSVP: not totally essential –  but if you can –  email or text Val (908-268-2843) to let me know if you’re coming:  ValSivilli@gmail.comRSVP  –

  • Torrential Rain?  Will be rescheduled. TBA